
Overview of the Assessment process (Australian or NZ optometrist)

Are you an Australian or NZ optometrist who needs a positive skills assessment for migration purposes?


IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Department of Education, Skills and Employment have advised of some changes to 485 Visa applications following the Covid-19 border closures.  See https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/temporary-graduate-485

From 1st July 2022, applicants for a Graduate Work Stream visa will not have to nominate an occupation on the Skilled Occupation List. If completed in Australia, any CRICOS-registered 2-year Diploma or Trade Certificate in any occupation may be used to apply for a 2-year Graduate 485 Visa for all applicants.

International graduates will be able to apply directly to the Department of Home Affairs for the 485 visa and will not be required to undergo a qualifications assessment.

Therefore, applications for provisional skills assessment through OCANZ for the purposes of a 485 Visa will close on 16 June 2022 until further advised.  

For further information on the examination process go to Examination - OCANZ

Are you presently registered in Australia for the practice of optometry?

Complete and submit FORM 1

Form 1

Positive skills assessment issued

Apply for general skilled migration to Australia

Are you entitled to registration in Australia (ie: you are a graduate of a school of optometry in Aus/NZ)

Click Here

Apply for and obtain Australian registration

Ineligible for a positive skills assessment by OCANZ